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    About Diane Colonnello, M.S.W., L.C.S.W.
    License # SW1700 in Fl

    Hi. I am a licensed clinical social worker with over thirty years of experience working collaboratively with clients to heal and reach their potential. My training in graduate school had been eclectic and my experience with inpatient and outpatient services, individuals, couples and groups over the years gives me the unique background. I have been working with clients who have experienced traumas ranging from car accidents, work place harassment, childhood traumas, relationship traumas and traumatic grief.

    My clients have seen great results with my work via Ego State therapy and Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR). My style involves engaging clients in exploring the etiology of their symptoms, manage these symptoms and flashbacks, developing specific tools to cope and to resolve the source of the problems.

    During these trying times you can reach out, trust and take refuge in my support and experience.

    My Mission

    My mission is to provide you with confidential therapy that is not only effective but expediate and convenient. I use the spruce application for confidential text messages, emails and document sharing. I provide telehealth services over the doxy me platform which is HIPPA-compliant platform.

    I am here for you.

    We will follow your path and your goals towards healing at your pace. I will use my expertise to coach and guide you thru the forest and teach you how to manage the neuropathways in your mind and then manage the outside world.

    Reach out to me today!

    Please complete the form below to schedule an appointment.
    I will try my best to accommodate your request and will be in touch ASAP.

    By submitting this form via this web portal, you acknowledge and accept the risks of communicating your health information via this unencrypted email and electronic messaging and wish to continue despite those risks. By clicking "Yes, I want to submit this form" you agree to hold Brighter Vision harmless for unauthorized use, disclosure, or access of your protected health information sent via this electronic means.